I don’t know how it happened so fast! First he was there, and so quickly, he is gone. The presentation was perfect. The drift…one of the best of the day! Hell yea, it resulted in a sophisticated, confident take. Even the most elderly, knowledgeable fish would have taken that fly. It was that good!
The hook set was even better. Timed it perfectly, just the right rod tip raise with the perfect tension. So good, that fish was pissed!
But then…one jump, one acrobatic launch in the air, with his head and body shaking like Elvis Presley’s hips. That one last ditch effort of a violent thrash, and…
He’s gone.
Every fisherman on the planet has experienced this dreaded moment of loss. Some of us have nightmares about the one that got away. And in the moment, it hits hard. The adrenaline PUMPS upon the hook set and giant tug!
Then…that sinking feeling, as the fly is released from the clutches of the trout’s jaw and comes springing back towards you, just missing your ear as you duck to avoid getting hooked.
You understand the gods of fishing require us to go through this process of loss. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t experience the intense joy and laughter of bringing such a fish to the net, holding it up for that epic photo of smiling pride for the world to see.
There are moments in life where we experience the same kind of roller coaster a missed fish provides.
In a couple weeks, my only son will leave home for the first time as he starts the next chapter of his life at college. It seems like just yesterday I was holding him at the hospital, all wrapped up like a human burrito with the little hat on his head, staring at him in total wonderment.
I don’t know how it happened so fast! First he was just this little dude, and so quickly, he is grown. We have been preparing him for this moment, our parenting hopefully laying the foundation of independence, so he will be successful when the time comes for him to spit the hook of parent dependence. That time has come.
However, nothing can prepare you for the imminent absence of your child when they leave home.
All the lost fish combined can’t come close. It is going to suck. Every day, I will miss seeing his smiling face; Every day, I will miss hearing his laughter; and every day, I will miss the strength of his hugs.
I understand that I must feel this kind of hurt, in order to truly appreciate all of the gifts he has given me.
I can’t wait until he returns to the “net” so that I can once again hold him up with pride for all to see!
#ThisIsAboutFishing #ThisIsNotAboutFishing