On The Road Again

To my wife’s dismay, I am not one for country music. Can’t really explain why, but it just isn’t for me, unless it’s in the form of Willie Nelson or Johnny Cash. In stealing the title of one of Willie’s greatest tunes, “On the Road Again,” it fits perfectly for one of my favorite parts of our annual Guys Fishing Weekend trips.

We road trip just about everywhere we go, because it seems to make better memories and provide us opportunities to connect in ways flying doesn’t.

Each year, we load up a couple of few vehicles, usually trucks, and hit the road for at least a few hours. Sometimes longer, but it’s usually a good three in the car together.

The connection that happens during this time is priceless. It’s where we update, get caught up on family and happenings of everyday life, express our deep desires for what our dream future would be, and genuinely help each other feel important by validating the job we desperately work hard at…parenting. We talk of dreams and reality, as well as stories from our past and hopes of our future.

Some of the best parts are the landmarks along the way that mark points in time we share with others. There is one spot in particular that triggers the automatic response from our buddy Robb.

As if he were some software programmed robot, “Did I ever tell you about the time I hooked into a monster fish on this section of private water? It’s right there…”

You can here the collective exasperated sigh from the entirety of the cab.

As someone always mocks Robb for the supposed giant slab he hooked, or the fly box he found, or the permanent knee wound he encountered on the famed day of the “Big Fish,” we get a good laugh every time we drive by. It is a staple of the trip.

These are the moments and snapshots in time I wish I could freeze forever. Whether it is with friends or family, hitting the road provides opportunity to truly experience places and connections nothing else can. I remember the moments of laughter far more than any moments of hardship.

I love that I love road tripping. I still love looking at maps. I love making playlists for driving. I love the exploration and anticipation of traveling a new road, and I love the everlasting stories that develop from the time spent with friends or family.

Like Willie sings, “We’re the best of friends, insisting that the world keep turning our way and our way is on the road again.” I think that’s my favorite part of a road trip. Like nothing else, road trips allow us to create an authentic, “Our Way.”

And although “the way” is different every time, “Our Way” has become a staple for the GFW trip. An invaluable source of energy for us all.

You can keep your plane tickets; I’ll take the long way around, with a car full of loved ones.

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