Why Do It?

Road Warriors and River Rats: Mastering the Art of the Fishing Road Trip

As we have always been DIY fisherman, hitting the road to explore new places to fish is almost irresistible. Yes, there are lodges and camps that provide guides and accommodations to ensure success and comfort. However, there is something incredibly satisfying and gratifying when you do the leg work to find water with your own

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The Red Carpet Dilemma

We were hiking in to the water we wanted to fish. Hot. August in Colorado can get that way. It’s amazing to be at 9500 ft and still feel oppressive heat. “How are things in your world?” “Can’t complain, I’m here aren’t I?” This is one of the classic beginnings for a hike into some

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The “Rock Fight”

I’m not sure who threw the first rock, as it was a long time ago. We’re talking 25 years or more. In the 28+ years of taking our annual GFW trip, we have been all over the state of Colorado. Lots of water, lots of towns, lots of fish, and more importantly than any of

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The Magic of GFW

What is GFW? Well, imagine a sleeve of Oreo’s, some jelly, and six guys out getting wet with our rods, in the search for better understanding of ourselves and our fellow friends. But if that didn’t give you the right imagery, here is the summary: An extended weekend away from the regular trials and tribulations

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The Fishing Game

I am competitive. Not outwardly competitive. But the internal competitive that eats at your soul since you give it no release. It probably isn’t healthy to keep it inside, but since I hold all my emotions inside, what’s another on the burn pile?! Maybe I should talk to a therapist about this? Nah. Let ‘em

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